New Law on Temporary Liquor Permits in New York City

Legislation was just signed into law last night allowing for the issuance of temporary retail permits for new liquor license applications in New York City. Prior to this law, temp permits were only permitted within the city on a transfer but not a new application. There are significant restrictions, however. The permits in the city on new applications apply to beer and wine applications, or those where the 500 foot rule does not apply. Where the 500 foot rule does apply, which is the great majority of the time, then the temp permit may only issue if the premises have been licensed within the past two years and was not suspended or revoked, and the State Liquor Authority Administrative Law Judge after conducting a 500 foot rule hearing finds that it is in the public interest to approve the license. If those conditions are satisfied on a 500 foot rule matter, there are restrictions on the method of operation while operating under the temp permit that are imposed by the law. Hours are restricted to a midnight closing, background recorded music only, and no dancing. Please keep in mind that the approval and issuance of a temporary permit is not an assurance that the final application will be approved. Feel free to speak with us regarding any questions on this new and important law.